Adult Daycare Service


Adult daycare is a planned program of activities designed to promote well-being through social and health-related services. Adult daycare centers operate during daytime hours, Monday through Saturday, in a safe, supportive, cheerful environment. We also serve nutritious meals that accommodate special diets.

An adult day center has two primary intentions:
To give older adults the chance to stimulate their mental and social aspects by getting out of their homes
To provide caregivers with the much-needed break that they can use for attending to their own personal needs or just getting relaxation and rest
We offer an environment where our elderly can be emotionally and socially uplifted, along with being physically healthy, through the following activities:
Exercise Class (Yoga/Line Dance/Table Tennis)
Hobby Class (Floral Arrangement/Knitting)
Acupuncture Class
Movie Watching
Computer Class
Drawing Class
English Class
Essay Class
Music Class
Bible Class
Reading Class
Our Youngs Healthcare Senior Center helps ensure a senior’s well-being by providing breakfast, lunch, snack, senior social activities and health-related services.
Our Youngs Healthcare Senior Center helps ensure a senior’s well-being by providing breakfast, lunch, snack, senior social activities and health-related services.We offer an environment where our elderly can be emotionally and socially uplifted, along with being physically healthy, through the following activities:

Service hours: Monday – Saturday 8 AM to 2 PM


Youngs Healthcare Senior
Center 4215 Evergreen Ln. Annandale, VA 22003
Phone: 703-988-2044 Cell: 703-647-0492
Fax: 703-649-6367
Email: [email protected]


Adult daycare is a planned program of activities designed to promote well-being through social and health-related services. Adult daycare centers operate during daytime hours, Monday through Saturday, in a safe, supportive, and cheerful environment. We also serve nutritious meals that accommodate special diets.

Our adult day center has two primary intentions:

We offer an environment where our elderly can be emotionally and socially uplifted, along with being physically healthy, through the following activities:

  • Exercise Class (Yoga/Line Dance/Table Tennis)
  • Hobby Class (Floral Arrangement/Knitting)
  • Chess/Baduk/Mah-Jong
  • Acupuncture Class
  • Movie Watching
  • Computer Class
  • Drawing Class
  • English Class
  • Essay Class
  • Music Class
  • Bible Class
  • Reading Class

Our Youngs Healthcare Senior Center helps ensure a senior’s well-being by providing breakfast, lunch, snack, senior social activities and health-related services.

Service hours: Monday – Saturday - 8AM to 2PM

For more queries, kindly give us a call at 703-988-2044.